

WTC Presidential Search Process

The WTC presidential search is under way with one interview completed.

I have had several people ask about the interview process.

The board conducted its own search.

We advertised in the major junior college trade journals and on relevant Internet sites.

We sent a letter to all junior colleges in the state.

We received around 35 resumes.

We read each of these, discussed them and narrowed it down to eleven candidates.

We then sent each of these a questionnaire specifically relating to WTC.

We wanted to see how much they had researched the college and to get a little better idea of what direction they would lead WTC.

After reviewing the questionnaires, we selected five candidates to interview in person.

No matter how great the resume, one can only get a real feel for the person by looking him/her in the eye and interacting.

Each board member submits questions he/she wants to ask the candidate.

These are narrowed down to a set of basic questions which will be asked of each candidate.

Of course, during the flow of the interview we are free to bring up anything we feel appropriate.

The actual interview is only the culmination of a whole day of evaluation both for the candidate and for the college.

The purpose of the process is for the entire college, including faculty, staff, clerical and students to meet and interact with the candidate and for him to evaluate WTC.

We want him to be very comfortable with the situation in which he will be working and with the community into which he will be entering.

Also we feel it is important for the spouse to see the town and the college and for us to be able to meet her.

Thus, the candidate spends the entire day evaluating and being evaluated.

Picking a college president is a scary process, but by getting as much input from as many sources as possible it hopefully will help us get the right fit for the college and the community.

Below is the official schedule for Presidential Candidates:

9:00 am
Visitor Center: Mike Thornton, Dean of College Advancement, will greet candidate

9:15 am – 10:00 am
Meet Faculty Association officers and available faculty members

10:15 am – 10:45 am
Meet Classified Personnel officers and available classified personnel and professional staff members

11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Campus tour – Deborah Baremore, recruiter (will end tour at 11:45 am to visit with students in the Student Center)

12:00 pm – 1:30 am
Pruitt Community Room: Lunch with Administrative Staff

1:45 pm – 3:30 pm
Admin Building: Tour of College Residence with Patricia Claxton, Chief Financial Officer

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Candidate’s choice

4:30 pm – 6:00 pm

6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Visitor Center: Dinner with Board members and their spouses

7:00 pm
Board Room: Interview with Board of Trustees

7:00 pm
Visitor Center: The Visitor Center is available for Board member’s spouses and applicant’s spouse/guest (if applicable) for visitation time

Board of Trustees:
Mr. Lee Presswood, President
Ms. Carolyn Barbee, Vice President
Mr. Drew Bullard, Secretary
Dr. Jay Kidd
Mr. Eddie Peterson
Mr. Scott Richburg
Mr. Mike McWilliams

Administrative Staff:
Dr. Jim Palmer, Interim President
Mr. Britt Canada, Dean of Institutional Research and Technology
Mr. Mike Thornton, Dean of College Advancement
Mr. Ralph Ramon, Dean of Student Services
Ms. Patricia Claxton, Chief Financial Officer
Ms. Melanie Schwertner, Administrative Assistant

Faculty Association Officers:
Mr. N.C. Smith, Assistant Professor, History/Govt/Economics – president
Mr. Shawn Fonville, Instructor, Social Science – vice president
Donny Brown, Assistant Professor, Mass Communications/English - secretary

Classified Personnel Officers:
Ms. Tami Linebarger, counseling secretary - president
Ms. Zelma Irons, supervisor of public services - secretary


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